Mnemoscape 1: The Anarchival Impulse
A quick plug for the first issue of Mnemoscape Magazine, “The Anarchival Impulse”, and for their brand new website:
Mnemoscape Magazine is a biannual online magazine dedicated to furthering research into contemporary visual culture and art practices that operate at the interstices of political and historical scrutiny, with a special focus on issues of memory, methodology and the archival impulse.
0.The Anarchival Impulse / editorial by Mnemoscape
1.the Archive of Destruction: Pedro Lagoa interviewed by Elisa Adami
2.Anarchaeology Series. A Project by Az.Namusn.Art / article by Alessandra Ferrini
3.Watered down modernity. Iconoclastic fluids in Alexander Apóstol’s archival mediations / Alexander Apóstol in conversation with Lisa Blackmore
4.Against Historiographical Positivism: Some Skeptical Reflections about the Archival Fetishism / article by Giulia Bassi
5. Art Criticism 2.0 / article by Paolo Chiasera
6.Showcase: Alessandro Di Pietro, dOCUMENTA (13) Das Begleitbuch / The Guidebook KATALOG / CATALOG 4/3
7.Between the Archive and the Unarchivable / article by Wolfgang Ernst
8.Simon Starling’s Show ‘Analogue Analogies’ at Staatsgalerie Stuttgart / exhibition review by Yvonne Bialek
9.(An)Archival Experiment through the ICA / article by Lucy Bayley, Ben Cranfield and Anne Massey
10.The Pathological Rhythm of the Archive / article by Eirini Grigoriadou
11.Multiple Signatures of Subtraction / article by Robert Luzar
12.Showcase: Emilio Vavarella, The Sicilian Family
13.Returning to the Tabularium / curatorial essay by Alana Kushnir (with showcase by Lawrence Lek, Memory Palace)
14.Retrograde Stairwell / short story by Chris Mason
The Institute for Modern and Contemporary Culture
University of Westminster Department of English, Linguistics and Cultural Studies
32-38 Wells Street, London W1T 3UW. United Kingdom.
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