Posts from June 2010

Listen With Ballard: Ballardian Architecture Online

Written by on Wednesday, posted in News (No comments yet)
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You can now listen to the talks at the Royal Academy Ballardian Architecture symposium last month, including those of IMCC Deputy Director David Cunningham, John Gray, Nigel Coates and Nic Clear.

Audio files are up on the RA site here.

Call for Papers: Fragments, Openness and Contradiction

Written by on Tuesday, posted in Conference, Event (No comments yet)
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Fragments, Openness and Contradiction in Painting and Photography
Saturday November 27 2010, Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design

The restitution of the tableau form (to which the art of the 1960s and 1970s, it will be recalled, was largely opposed) has the primary aim of restoring the distance to the object-image necessary for the confrontational experience, but implies no nostalgia for painting and no specifically “reactionary” impulse. The frontality of the picture hung on or affixed to the wall and its autonomy as an object are not sufficient as finalities. It is not a matter of elevating the photographic image to the place and rank of painting. It is about using the tableau form to reactivate a thinking based on fragments, openness and contradiction, not the utopia of a comprehensive systematic order.
Jean-François Chevrier

In preparation for a two day international conference, Tableau/dispositif/apparatus, at Tate Modern in October 2011, our friends at Central Saint Martins are staging a symposium on Saturday November 27 in collaboration with the London Consortium to hear papers which address the nature of pictorial forms in contemporary practice; ‘fragmented, open and contradictory’ which Jean-Francois Chevrier opposes to the ‘utopia of a comprehensive systematic order’. This symposium is in preparation for the second day of the Tate conference which will be dedicated to the presentation of research papers.

500 word abstracts should be submitted by 1 October 2010 to Mick Finch:

Performance Matters

Written by on Friday, posted in Event (No comments yet)
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The Whitechapel Salon: Matter Matters II: Performance Matters
Thursday 1st July, 7pm
Study Studio, Whitechapel Gallery, London E1 7QX

Spanning art, architecture, performance and sustainability, this year’s series of four Salon discussions focus on the matter of ‘matter’ – its nature, substance and the productive forces that govern it. For July Gavin Butt (Goldsmiths College, London), Adrian Heathfield (Roehampton University), and Lois Keidan (Director, Live Art Development Agency) consider Performance Matters.

Co-organised by the IMCC and Whitechapel Gallery. Book now to avoid disappointment!

Tickets: £8/£6 (includes free glass of wine)