Consent, Normativity and Victim Blame seminar, March 11th
Wednesday 11th March, 1-3 pm
Room 357, University of Westminster, Regent Street, London
“Consent, Normativity and Victim Blame”
David Gurnham, University of Southampton
The next in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities seminar series of Desire at the University of Westminster. All welcome!
David Gurnham uses popular and classical texts, by authors including Shakespeare, Dickens, Euripides, Kafka, the Brothers Grimm, Huxley and Margaret Atwood to shed fresh light on such controversial legal and ethical issues as passionate homicide, life sentences, pornography and genetic enhancement. Gurnham’s overarching theme is the role of memory and imagination in shaping legal and ethical attitudes. Along this line, he examines the ways in which past wrongs are “remembered” and may be forcefully responded to, both by the criminal justice system itself and also by individuals responding to what they regard as gross insults, threats or personal violations.
The Institute for Modern and Contemporary Culture
University of Westminster Department of English, Linguistics and Cultural Studies
32-38 Wells Street, London W1T 3UW. United Kingdom.
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