Emerging Landscapes
Emerging Landscapes
Date: 25-27 June 2010
Venue: University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LS
The past thirty years have witnessed social, geopolitical, technological and economic change on a global scale. Alongside these shifts, landscape has also changed its nature. Focusing primarily, but not exclusively on the synergies between the disciplines of photography and architecture, this international and interdisciplinary conference, organised by our colleagues in Architecture and Art & Design, will examine and critically reassess the interface between production and representation in the creation of contemporary landscapes. Emerging Landscapes asks practitioners, writers, critics, artists, and others working in the broad fields of the built environment and the represented environment to reconsider the idea of landscape by interrogating the relationship between space and image; to explore the synergies that exist between landscape representation – the imaginary and symbolic shaping of the human environment – and landscape production – the physical and material changes wrought on the land.
Speakers include: Gabriele Basilico, Stephen Daniels, Christopher Girot, Jonathan Hill
Full programme and details at: http://emerginglandscapes.org.uk/
Registration from Helen Cohen: h.cohen02@westminster.ac.uk
Tagged as landscape, London, photography, Urban
The Institute for Modern and Contemporary Culture
University of Westminster Department of English, Linguistics and Cultural Studies
32-38 Wells Street, London W1T 3UW. United Kingdom.
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