New Higher Education & Theory reading group
A plug for the Higher Education & Theory Reading Group that’s just been set up by and for staff and postgraduate students at Westminster. The first Organizing Meeting will take place on Wednesday October 2, 2013, from 1:00pm to 2:00pm , in room 359 in 309 Regent Street
This is a cross-faculty reading group on the theory of education, open to all staff and research students at the University of Westminster. The intention is to foster an increased awareness of the contributions of major critical thinkers to pedagogic debate and practice, supplementing the sociological, psychological, and empirical focus of current educational discourse with a broader transdisciplinary emphasis on the importance of philosophical and historical contributions to educational theory. The idea is that a productive critical perspective will be opened up on contemporary pedagogical practice through such theoretical and historical viewpoints, one that will also allow researchers to make connections between their research and their own practice as teachers by re-reading theoretical texts pedagogically. There will be a minimum of 3 reading groups per year. The group will initially meet once a term, with the possibility of meeting more frequently if time and interest permit.
The starting text for the autumn term will be Jean-Francois Lyotard’s The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. Future texts will be decided by the group. The first 5 chapters of the Lyotard text are online here. The full scanned version is here. Pages 47-53 in particular look at higher education.
See also the HERC Community blog webpage:
To RSVP or register your interest, please email: Steven Cranfield, or Matthew Charles,
The Institute for Modern and Contemporary Culture
University of Westminster Department of English, Linguistics and Cultural Studies
32-38 Wells Street, London W1T 3UW. United Kingdom.
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